Introduction to "Targeted Dream Incubation"

         Hello everybody. My name's John, and I did some time in Fresno County Jail on 3 separate occasions. The first was back in 2009, when I served about a month after... ok, get this: I basically "ratted myself out". It was because I violated the terms of my probation. I was caught speeding on West Nees Avenue, a rural stretch of road that is kind of a short cut one can take to avoid traffic coming back from the Bay Area. I had just exited Interstate 5 and was travelling a little too fast for one Highway Patrol Officer. I didn't have a license, so I was ticketed, car towed, and had to get my boss from work to come pick me, and give a couple of girls I had with me a ride back home. Upon getting back to Fresno, I instantly became worried that the details of the incident would make it to the probation department, and that I would get in trouble for not reporting it. So I did. Here's the thing, though... that ticket wouldn't have made it through the system for several weeks. The court appearance would have been well after my release from probation. The likelihood of me suffering any major consequences for it were slim to none. Probably would have had a fine and traffic school. Instead, I ended up spending the rest of my probation in Fresno County's North Jail facility. It wasn't too bad. Got sucker punched once, and they pepper sprayed the pod one night, but other than that, I did the time just fine. There was an interesting "dream" that I had, though. So vivid and lucid that I recorded it and a few others over the few weeks I was there.

        I didn't think much of it at the time, but 14 years and change later, I know now... for sure, that one of the dreams in particular (maybe more) wasn't naturally created in my mind. It was "seeded". A setting was introduced to me with audio messaging, someone coached me along a plot, and my brain visualized the rest. How? I'm not exactly sure of the science, but it is a real thing. Here's what I got when I Googled Targeted Dream Incubation, just now, Christmas Eve, 2023:

And by the way, the article from MIT is quite informative as well.

Here's the dream in question:

Anyways, that was just the beginning of what has been a 14 year ordeal. One in which, I was harassed by those so-called "voices" you hear about. Systematically framed as a criminal... set up by a next door neighbor of mine who filed a restraining order against me, while I was caring for my Mom who suffered from Parkinson's Disease. 

There is a lot to this story. I contend that Fresno Police used pepper spray... illegally indoors, while trying to enforce this restraining order. The spray circulated through the downstairs ventilation of the AC unit and affected my Mom in the next room... and then they blamed me for it! That resulted with an elder abuse charge getting affixed to my record. Even though I was never actually tried... or convicted of it.

And the 2nd charge?

A paramedic said I assaulted him on the way to the hospital... (for injuries I suffered as the restraining order was being enforced) but check this out:

I was in the rear of the ambulance, lying on my back, tied to the gurney in four point restraints!

Please explain to me how I assaulted this guy. And exactly why would I? He had just treated my eyes for the pepper spray, attended to my Mom, as well... and was taking me to get treatment. Honestly, I can't figure out why he would make such a blatantly, false accusation. 

Here's what really got to me, however... he was practically smiling... smirking as he watched me struggle, all tied down. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to have injuries to your face, in addition to the pepper spray AND taser wounds in my ass...

unable to touch them at all?

I did six months in jail. My mom was put in a private care home. Her condition deteriorated. They just didn't have the medication down like I did. And I had some issues with the way they were caring four her. A couple of surprise visits caused alarm. And just three days before my arrest in 2013, on the way into an appointment with her primary care physician, my Mom expressed to me how she was being "treated roughly". A day or two later, I went down to where they licensed the home and filed a report. Never had a chance to follow up, however, as I was arrested a day later after telling a sheriff in Clovis to: "Get his shit together". I was emotional, having just visited Mom in the hospital and finding her in that "off state" Parkinson's patients sometimes get when off of their dopamine regimen. (I discuss her meds at length in a blog I have already begun. One I can't currently access,  Losing access to accounts, emails, even phone numbers and contacts upon being hacked for 6 and 1/2 months.

I ended up doing 4 1/2 years. Jail and then in the state hospital system.




So, I kept a journal. A log if you will. 360 pages, all hand written while in jail. Evidence of this dream incubation "treatment". It chronicles the interactions I had with those doing the dream manipulations, the dreams themselves...

but let's face it. They just weren't really dreams, now, were they?



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